TCI remanufactures them to last with furnace-brazed fins, needle bearings, and a flame-hardened hub--the same...
1998-02 F-body LS1/LS2 applications and 1999-06 trucks w/ 4.8L, 5.3L and 6.0L engines. Will not...
1998-02 F-body LS1/LS2 applications and 1999-06 trucks w/ 4.8L, 5.3L and 6.0L engines. Will not...
Looking for improved performance from your LS-equipped road racing or high performance street transmission? If...
The Super StreetFighter Torque Converter has all of the same features of the StreetFighter, but...
Simply install them with the included instructions and then start the system by answering the...
Before you buzz down the track at 8,000 rpm, get some peace of mind with...
Bridging the gap between our full competition series units and our Super StreetFighter converters, the...
The first step into serious high performance, the Breakaway is a great torque converter for...